Saturday, February 2, 2013

{Recipe} Nutella Brownie Mini-Cupcakes

It is hard to come up with an appropriate name for these little suckers.
They look like a mini-muffin, but they taste and feel like an ooey-gooey brownie.

 They are soooo delicious smelling, too, it's dangerous!

I adapted this recipe after I first tried it. I didn't like the texture very much, so I played around with it a little, and this new version is the bomb.

Best part is: only 3 ingredients. Seriously!
Only 3 Ingredients: Nutella, eggs and flour.
1 jar (13 oz, I think) Nutella spread (or the store-brand)
2 eggs
11 Tbsp flour ( I used pancake mix)

Notes on the software:
      I used regular, store-brand Nutella-type spread. These were for Man and Kid, so I wasn't worried as much about fat and sugar content. For a healthier version, I would use this recipe for homemade Nutella, or maybe even try a different nut butter with some cocoa (or chocolate protein powder for an extra boost) and milk mixed in.
      I used regular "complete" pancake mix instead of plain flour. Because I had it open, and again, wasn't too concerned with the sugar/carb count on these ones. If making them for me, I would probably use my pancake mix, or simply whole wheat flour. Almond meal/almond flour might work, haven't tried it.

Hardware: A mixing bowl, spatula/your favorite stirring object, scooper (or teaspoon), mini-muffin tin (for square brownies, you could use a brownie pan), muffin liners.

Process: Ready? Cause this is complicated....

Ok, I lied, it's not complicated... at all.
Dump everything into a bowl.

And mix it together. Done. Seriously.

Now, if you, like me and Man, have a stash of ketchup cups from fast food restaurants (which were intended to become fire starters, but ended up stacked ever so nicely on the tupperware bookshelf instead), you can use them to make your muffins more like cupcakes. Perfect for mini-muffin tins, and you get a 2-bite brownie. Win-win.

We just lined them up on a silicone mat (because we were out of wax paper and I didn't want to risk getting it all over the table) and filled them using a spring-loaded disher. A regular spoon would suffice, but you'll need 2 of them if you want to keep clean fingers.

Man is quite the action-shot photographer, no?
Once they're all filled, put them in a muffin tin. In hindsight, you could probably just lay them on a sheet pan.
See how clean and neat-looking?

If you're not using liners, skip that step and spray your muffin tin/brownie pan VERY WELL with non-stick spray, then fill them about 1/2 to 2/3 full. You don't want them nearly as full as I have them... Because they will expand and burp over the edges...
Like these:
Bake in a preheated 350 degree oven for 8-15 minutes. That's a big time span, I know. If you're using the liners, they might need less time. If your pan is bigger than mine, you might need more time. Start with 8 and check them. When they are firm on top, or a toothpick inserted comes out non-gooped, they are done.

Yank them out and eat one immediately, burning the roof of your mouth remove from cooking device to a rack to cool completely. Then, devour them taste them and share them with your family. Leftovers, if you have any, should be stored in an airtight container. Good luck getting them to stick around, though. They are so good....

This photo tells me that I have a compulsion for shaping things nicely. And that our dining room table is a scratched-and-dented piece of crap well-loved family meal centerpiece.
  Try these, and let me know how you like them.

Nutella Brownie Bite RECIPE:
1 jar (13 oz, I think) Nutella spread (or the store-brand)
2 eggs
11 Tbsp flour [for the mathematically disturbed, this is 1/2 cup + 3tbsp, or just shy of 3/4 cup] ( I used pancake mix)

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
2. Combine all ingredients very well.
3. Spoon/scoop/dish mixture into cooking device of choice. Do not overfill individual muffin cups!
4. Bake in preheated oven for 8-15 minutes, or until tops are set and toothpick comes out non-battered.
5. Let cool for a few minutes, then move to a cooling rack.
6. Enjoy warm, perhaps with a squirt of whipped cream) or let cool and eat at room temperature.
7. Store any leftovers in an airtight container. Maybe out of reach of children and grabby significant others. ;)

Catch ya later!
Al :)

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